Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology 5/e-Neuroscientific Basis and Practical Applications
[성보의학서적 신간의학도서 목록]
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상품명: Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology
5/e-Neuroscientific Basis and Practical Applications
정 가: 120,000원
판매가: 108,000원
적립금: 3,240원 (3%)
저 자: Stephen M. Stahl
출판사: Cambridge
ISBN : 9781108971638
출판일: 2021.06
판 형: Softcover
판 수: 5/e
면 수: 624 page
의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.
Long established as the preeminent source in its field, the eagerly anticipated fifth edition of Dr Stahl's essential textbook of psychopharmacology is here! With its use of icons and figures that form Dr Stahl's unique 'visual language', the book is the single most readable source of information on disease and drug mechanisms for all students and mental health professionals seeking to understand and utilize current therapeutics, and to anticipate the future for novel medications. Every aspect of the book has been updated, with the clarity of explanation that only Dr Stahl can bring. The new edition includes over 500 new or refreshed figures, an intuitive color scheme, fourteen new uses for older drugs and eighteen brand new drugs, coverage of Parkinson's Disease Psychosis, behavioural symptoms of dementia, and mixed features in major depressive episodes, and expanded information on the medical uses of cannabis and hallucinogen assisted psychotherapy.
Preface to the Fifth Edition
CME Information
1. Chemical Neurotransmission
2. Transporters, Receptors and Enzymes as Targets of Psychopharmacological Drug Action
3. Ion Channels as Targets of Psychopharmacological Drug Action
4. Psychosis, Schizophrenia and the Neurotransmitter Networks Dopamine, Serotonin and Glutamate
5. Targeting Dopamine and Serotonin Receptors for Psychosis, Mood and Beyond: So-Called 'Antipsychotics'
6. Mood Disorders and the Neurotransmitter Networks Norepinephrine and Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (Gaba)
7. Treatments for Mood Disorders: So-Called 'Antidepressants' and 'Mood Stabilizers'
8. Anxiety, Trauma and Treatment
9. Chronic Pain and its Treatment
10. Disorders of Sleep and Wakefulness and their Treatment: Neurotransmitter Networks for Histamine and Orexin
11. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and its Treatment
12. Dementia: Causes, Symptomatic Treatments and the Neurotransmitter Network Acetylcholine
13. Impulsivity, Compulsivity and Addiction
Suggested Reading and Selected References
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