Physics in Biology and Medicine,4/e
The fourth edition of Physics for Biology and Medicine, covers topics in physics as they apply to the life sciences, specifically medicine, physiology, nursing and other applied health fields.
This concise introductory paperback surveys and relates basic physics to living systems, encompassing solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, sound, electricity, optics, and atomic and nuclear physics.
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Physics in Biology and Medicine,4/e
저자 : Paul Davidovits
출판사 : Academic Press
ISBN : 9780123865137
출판일 : 2013
판형 : Softcover
면수 : 352 page
판수 : 4/e
The new edition has been updated with a discussion of atomic force microscopy, use of lasers in medical diagnostics and the applications of nanotechnology in biology and medicine.
Applied health workers, even with little formal background in physics, will learn how biological systems can be analyzed quantitatively, how physical and engineering analysis techniques have helped advance the life sciences, and also the limits of quantitative analysis as applied to living systems. End-of-chapter exercises and extensive reference sections add to the book’s value in academic and clinical settings.
- Provides practical techniques for applying knowledge of physics to the study of living systems
- Presents material in a straight forward manner requiring very little background in physics or biology
- Includes many figures, examples and illustrative problems and appendices which provide convenient access to the most important concepts of mechanics, electricity, and optics in the body
Audience: Suitable for doctors, nurses, physiologists, or other applied health workers. Also appropriate for the layperson (with only high school math as a base) who wishes to understand the nature of the mechanics of our bodies.
-도서목차 -
Chapter 1: Static Forces
Chapter 2: Friction
Chapter 3: Translational Motion
Chapter 4: Angular Motion
Chapter 5: Elasticity and Strength of Materials
Chapter 6: Insect Flight
Chapter 7: Fluids
Chapter 8: The Motion of Fluids
Chapter 9: Heat and Kinetic Theory
Chapter 10: Thermodynamics
Chapter 11: Heat and Life
Chapter 12: Waves and Sound
Chapter 13: Electricity
Chapter 14: Electrical Technology
Chapter 15: Optics
Chapter 16: Atomic Physics
Chapter 17: Nuclear Physics
Chapter 18: Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine
Appendix A: Basic Concepts in Mechanics
Appendix B: Review of Electricity
Appendix C: Review of Optics
Answers to Numerical Exercises
Note on the Instructor's Solution Manual
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