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Breast Surgery,7/e
Product details
도서명: Breast Surgery,7/e
저 자: J Michael Dixon
출판사: Elsevier
ISBN : 9780702084799
출판일: 2023.11
판 형: Hardcover
판 수: 7/e
면 수: 304 page
Breast Surgery provides a short, up-to-date and practical reference guide for general surgical trainees and established consultants needing a refresher.
The seventh edition has been edited and fully revised by respected experts in their fields, and provides a full list of current references and relevant resources. It includes recent developments in breast surgery, including axillary surgery, primary medical therapy, risk reducing surgery, gender affirmation surgery and complications of breast surgery.
This volume is part of the Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice series, the pre-eminent reference for trainees in general surgery and those preparing for the FRCS examinations. Each volume summarises key issues within each surgical sub-specialty and provides evidence-based recommendations to support practice.
New to this edition
New chapter on gender affirmation surgery
More information on complications of breast surgery
Key Features
Concise and easy to follow – ideal for exam revision or as a refresher aid
Covers all aspects of the topic
Fully updated with latest evidence on recent developments, management issues and operative procedures
International authorship provides a global perspective
Details of relevant investigations and evidence-based recommendations to support practice
Key references to support content, plus a comprehensive list of references in the accompanying eBook
Links to recommended online videos for further learning
Author Information
Edited by J Michael Dixon, BSc(Hons) MBChB MD FRCS FRCSEd FRCPEd(Hon), Professor of Surgery, University of Edinburgh; Clinical Director, Edinburgh Breakthrough Unit; Consultant Surgeon, NHS Lothian Edinburgh Breast Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK and Matthew D. Barber, BSc(Hons) MBChB(Hons) MD FRCS(Gen Surg), Consultant Breast Surgeon, NHS Lothian, Edinburgh Breast Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh and St John’s Hospital, Livingston, UK
Table of Contents
1 Anatomy and physiology of the breast
2 Assessment of the patient with breast symptoms
3 Benign breast conditions
4 Pathology of breast cancer
5 Epidemiology, risk factors, genetics and prevention strategies
6 Breast screening
7 Breast conserving surgery: the balance between cosmesis and local control
8 Oncoplastic breast conserving surgery
9 Mastectomy
10 Management of the axilla in breast cancer
11 Uncommon presentations of cancer affecting the breast and recurrent breast cancer
12 Breast reconstruction
13 Ductal carcinoma in situ
14 Adjuvant systemic therapy in patients with operable breast cancer
15 Neoadjuvant therapy for breast cancer including surgical considerations
16 Adjuvant radiotherapy for breast cancer
17 Locally advanced breast cancer
17 Metastatic breast cancer and palliative care
18 Top surgery for gender affirmation
19 Psychosocial issues in breast disease
20 Avoidance and management of complications of breast surgery
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Breast Surgery,7/e
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